Orange-Spectroscopy documentation ================================= Orange-Spectroscopy is an add-on for Orange for the analysis of spectral data. To use it, download and install the `Quasar distribution of Orange `_, which comes with Orange-Spectroscopy pre-installed. You can also install it into your `Orange `_ data mining suite with the "Add-ons" menu (Options->Add-ons). For an introduction to Orange and widgets from this add-on, see the following YouTube channels: * `Getting started with Orange `_ - introduces data analysis with Orange * `Spectral Orange `_ - tutorials that use the Spectroscopy add-on on spectral data Widgets ------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 widgets/spectra widgets/hyperspectra widgets/interpolate widgets/preprocess-spectra widgets/integrate-spectra widgets/multifile widgets/tilefile widgets/average widgets/interferogram-to-spectrum widgets/reshape-map widgets/pls widgets/peakfit widgets/snr Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`