HyperSpectra ============ Plots 2D map of hyperspectra. **Inputs** - Data: input dataset **Outputs** - Selection: spectra from selected area - Data: dataset with information whether a spectrum was selected or not The **HyperSpectra** widget plots hyperspectra that were read from the *.map* file. To use this widget with infrared spectral data, you need to transform it with **Reshape Map** widget. At the top, **HyperSpectra** shows a 2D map of a slice of the spectra. At the bottom, a spectra plot is shown with the red line indicating the wavenumber slice we are observing at the top. ![](images/HyperSpectra-stamped.png) 1. Image values: define the transformation (usually an integral) of the spectra or use a feature to use as values for the plot. The former transformation can be an *integral from 0*, *integral from baseline*, *peak from 0*, *peak from baseline*, *closest value*, *X-value of maximum from 0* or *X-value of maximum from baseline*. 2. The hyperspectral plot of the slice of the spectra. - Zoom in (Z): zoom in to the area selected from the hyperspectral plot - Zoom to fit (backspace): return to the original plot - Select (square) (S): select an area from the plot by clicking at the top left corner and then the bottom right corner of the desired selection area - Select (polygon) (P): select an area by circumscribing a polygon - Save graph (Mod + S): save the visualization as a .png, .svg or .pdf file. - Axis x: define the attribute for the x axis - Axis y: define the attribute for the y axis - Color: select the color for the plot 3. The spectral plot of the selected image region. It behaves like the [Spectra](spectra.md) widget. 4. Region selectors for the chosen integration method. 5. Split between image and spectral view: move it to increase the image size.